
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Can we drum up...Beat IT


a quick post...not via RM then!

Please read reviews..Katy Handley is a superb 17 year old from Merchant Taylors' Girls in Crosby, she has read and reviewed loads of great books..find yours..share and comment!

Also, Holly our 18 yr old Art A level student, Saturday girl has produced the most extraordinary mural..some posts on FB and Twitter and if by request we can email..
e me

She deserves a chance to work with a real author and produce a stunning book!

Also please encourage all to 'shop local' and buy real books from real bookshops..enough online is 'great', make real greater..we have signed copies of award winners and basically other brilliant books..come and see and buy!

dates for diaries...

SAT 6th April 1-2 come and meet Kevin Sampson and get his 'The Killing Pool' awesome noir crime with a bit of rhyme in deep Liverpool.

TUE 7th May a World Book Night extraordinary event at Liverpool Town Hall...with John Boyne!
Tickets only £2 and he will talk/read/take questions and sign copie sof his amazing new gothic ghost tale

'This House is Haunted' we will have backlist too.

tried to be quick so be quick to share and respond


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