
Tuesday 18 December 2012

CookBooks for Christmas

Cook Books for Christmas!
Title: Hugh’s Three Good Things…on a plate
Author: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (SIGNED COPY!)
ISBN: 978-1-4088-2858-8
Price: £25.00
Title: Celebrate (A Year of Festivities for Families and Friends)
Author: Pippa Middleton (SIGNED COPY!)
ISBN: 978-0-718-17678-5
                I have practically no skills at cooking so any kind of recipes I use must be easy to follow and I have to say this must be my first time since cookery lessons at school in Year 9 to actually use a cookbook. Nevertheless I tried my best and managed to successfully make a full English breakfast frittata from Celebrate by Kate Middleton. The Beetroot Egg Anchovy salad from Hugh’s Three Good Things was sadly less successful, I struggled cooking the beetroot. However although I think the results was due to my incompetence with cookery, rather than the actually recipe, I must admit I found ‘Celebrate’ easier to follow and a lot quicker. There was nothing in any of the recipes that confused me and my mum was certainly very impressed with my frittata which I served her for breakfast!  She also liked the book itself with its beautiful layout and bright pictures. ‘Hugh’s three good things’ looks very good for a healthy eating plan. All the recipes are based around three main ingredients, usually including vegetables and are therefore meant to be fairly simple and easy (again I think it was probably my fault the recipe didn’t work, not Hugh’s). I would definitely try again with a different salad though as they all look delicious; ‘Cauliflowers, tomatoes and capers’, ‘Cabbage avocado and lentils’ and ‘fennel tangerine and pumpkin seeds’. Some of the main meals included also appeal; ‘fish, onion, olives’ and ‘ham, squash and marmalade’.
                The two books are very different. ‘Celebrate’ is aimed at families, providing not only recipes, but activity and decoration activities for various events throughout the year such as Christmas, Easter, New Year and family events such as birthdays, barbecues and picnics. It is perfect for any mother and contains inventive ideas to inspire you to make every holiday enjoyable for the whole family. Hugh’s Three Good Things however focuses entirely on the food and can be used by men and women alike; single, young, old and with or without families. Hugh says “If ever you feel your cooking is stuck in a rut, your repertoire of recipes a little tired, then this ridiculously simple cookbook is aimed at you…I want to set you off in a creative direction, by showing you a pattern that underpins many well-loved dishes” Three really does seem to be the perfect number; not too complicated, not too bland or boring. It also a healthier way to eat, especially if can encourage home-cooking. This could be a great gift for a young couple, a student who doesn’t want to live off take-aways, or just a family or anyone in need of some new ideas.
Both books look very impressive with vivid images and attractive covers to brighten up your kitchen or your coffee table. ‘Celebrate’ is original in that it is arranged and categorized by seasons with an extensive index at the back and Hugh’s Three Good Things’ is arranged by starters, mains, deserts as you would perhaps expect. Both I think could be very useful, in very different ways. I really loved some of the decoration and activity ideas in ‘Celebrate’ for example ‘edible Christmas gifts’, ‘Guess my New Year’s resolution’ and the ‘Easter Crafts’ section. Depending on who you are buying for I would recommend either as an excellent Christmas or New Year’s gift, or treat for yourself!

Saturday 8 December 2012

Christmas books!

Title: A Christmas Poem
Author: Carol Ann Duffy
ISBN: 978-1-4472-1202-7
Price: £5.99
The perfect Christmas gift for children and adults this poem retells the story of the famous carol, King Wenceslas, with beautiful illustrations by Stuart Kolakovic. Hardback and carefully structured, the little book begins with luxurious descriptions of a lavish Christmas feast at the palace of King Wenceslas and it really puts you in the festive spirit! As he is feasting however the King sees a man stood in the cold and his act of kindness to this man encapsulates the true meaning and spirit of Christmas; caring for others. With wonderful illustrations carefully incorporated into the poem, this is definitely a book to keep for many Christmases to come!
Title: Jesus’ Christmas Party
Author: Nicholas Allan
ISBN: 978-1-84941-526-2
Price: £5.99
This children’s book is a charming, funny retelling of the classic Nativity story for young children aged 6 and under. It is told from the view of the innkeeper an irritable man who is simply trying to get a good night’s sleep. However he cannot seem to get any peace, ever since he let a young couple, Mary and Joseph, sleep in his stable. He is plagued by shepherds, Kings, bright lights and singing and finally in a fit of rage goes to see what all the fuss is about. What he doesn’t realise is that a very special child has been born that night, in his stable, a child who will change the world forever.
                Comical illustrations assist this tale making it perfect for younger children either to read for themselves or be read to as an excellent way to make the story of Christmas more exciting. Cleverly written and lots of fun to read, I would definitely recommend it to put children in the festive spirit!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Formby Then and Now

Title: Formby Then and Now in colour
Author: Reg and Barbara Yorke
ISBN: 978-0-7524-7155-6
Price: Christmas offer £10 while stocks last! (RRP £12.99)
                Written as a contribution to Civic Day organised by the Formby Civic Society, June 2012, this is a high-quality, pictorial record for those with a passion for local history, or even those people who simply appreciate Formby and are curious to know more. The book provides detailed information about Formby from the middle of the 18th century onwards, right up to June 2011. Interesting facts are intermingled with a stunning set of nostalgic images of Formby as far back as 1900. Imagine Formby as it was, a small rural hamlet, in contrast to the compact town with its own shopping centre (as we call ‘the village’).  Ever wanted to know when and how the first street lights in Formby arrived? Or when the village was pedestrianized? And how did Wicks Lane Path get its name? The answers to these as well as the origins of Cross Green, the well-known inns: Cross House, The Bay Horse and The Grapes and the old church yard can all be found in Formby Then and Now. There are also interesting details about Formby during great historical events, such as the Harrington Barracks in the Second World War and the Altcar Rifle Range, which was situated on the mouth of the River Alt. in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Even Formby Bowling club played its part, acting host to convalescent soldiers during the First World War; we contrast this with how it is today. Of course, we cannot forget the fabulous Formby coast and the threat that coastal erosion poses to the natural environment and glorious beach. There is also the Lifeboat station, the very first light boat station in the world and Formby Lighthouse, ‘one of the first nautical structures erected to help aid navigation and safety at the port of Liverpool’. Gain a sense of local pride from traditions and events which have continued in Formby for years, such as the Open Air Art Exhibition, held every June since 1950.
                This latest edition is brighter, bigger and better than other books in the ‘Then and Now’ series and the vivid images, hardback cover and glossy pages make this book an ideal Christmas present for any Formby dweller. Perhaps your house, someone you know, or somewhere you go every day is featured in this book, so read and find out!

Saturday 1 December 2012

A New Review

Title: The False Prince
Author: Jennifer A. Nielson         
ISBN:  978-1-407133-05-8
Price: £6.99
Sage is no ordinary orphan teenage boy living in the poorest part of Avenia, with a stubborn , rebellious attitude and sharp mind he refuses to be beaten. His life changes dramatically when one day, he is taken by the mysterious noble Conner. He is told where he will be taken or of what will become of him, but also captured are three other boys Latimer, the sickly, Tobias, the educated and Roden, the brave and strong. The boys are all of a similar age and appearance.  It is soon revealed that the plan is for one of these boys to impersonate the Prince Jaron of Carthya, who disappeared years ago when his ship was attacked by pirates. With the royal family under attack from within, it is time for the Prince to fulfil his duty. Conner will choose the boy who appears to him most similar to the Prince, and as for the other three; they must be disposed of.
                Sage understands that this twisted competition is something he cannot lose, and as a skilled thief and quick thinker he applies his skills, but antagonises Conner when he refuses to bend and obey anyone. Conner’s Prince must be obedient, loyal and willing to embrace a lifetime of lies. Sage cannot force himself and it seems that, unlike the other boys, he wants nothing less than the throne. However, he realises he has responsibilities as only he can save the other boys who are not chosen. Imogen, a young abused servant girl in Conner’s household, attracts his attention. Her mother refused Conner and as revenge for this Imogen was taken and is now forced to feign muteness in order to escape Conner’s advances. She is one of Sage’s few companions in the castle but says she will refuse to accept him if he becomes the Prince, unable to imagine why anyone would choose a life of deception, if there was any other option.
                Torn between the truth, which he had never wanted to accept, and the lie which he is living, Sage must make a decision; the orphan or the prince? However the mysterious orphan hides more secrets than Conner could ever have realised. When he picked Sage up off the streets it was both his greatest achievement, but also his biggest mistake.
                A gripping, exciting novel, packed with action and adventure, once you begin this book it is impossible to put down. Perfect for both boys and girls ages 11-16! The character of the Orphan Prince is entertaining and likeable, but never arrogant. The book also contains themes such as assassination, poverty, pirates and royalty and has the classic characters such as evil nobles grasping for control of the throne, Conner’s ruthless accomplice, Cregan and the suffering Princess Amarinda, betrothed to the heir of the throne, but in love with Jaron’s brother, Darius.
I would give this 8/10!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Pulitzer to Pop Bang and Toffees

What a week or so...
Philip and Paul two Poets One Great Event
We were tonight at the Civic in Crosby and met Pulitzer Prize winning Poet and Lyrical Prose merchant Philip Schultz from NYC (only just a sthat storm nearly made him not make it here...) He was joined by local lad Paul Farley for a double bill of profound and astonishing poetry.
Vicky, Beth, Some Bloke Hiding behind a book, Holly and Jill
Last Night we had a real fireworks indoors when SAS Hero Andy McNab was our guest speker for a 'Help for Heroes' Charity book signing, we raised £385 and had a virtually full house.

We had a Toffee of the Highest Order on Saturday when Bob 'Walks on Water' Latchford and Howard Kendall joined James Corbett to launch the astonishing Everton Encylopedia.

Howard, Bob, Beth and James
Friday if you are able..get along to our Lesley Pearse event at Merchant Taylors' Girls School, Liverpool Rd, Crosby for a 6pm Art Gallery Viewing followed by a 7pm Author talk/signing and at only £2 a real can pay on the clubs this is the sort of ideal event to come to!

Then Saturday 8pm back to the Civic for a 'Double Bass' Event with Horace 'Gentleman' Panter from the Specials and The Farm bassist Carl Hunter. They will have Peter Hootton help them out and this promises to be a real cultural event to attend...

navigate to the reviews tab on this blog and read all about John Boyne and more that Katy has been reviewing avidly for the last few weeks..please share this and encourage folks to register at the main site for the weekly newsletter

Saturday 13 October 2012

25 years of Culture with Iain M Banks in Liverpool

We were welcomed at Liverpool town hall by Gemma who is the publicity manager and also genuinely a big fan of Iain's books.

The Lord Mayor of Liverpool (councellor Sharon Sullivan) met Iain and welcomed him  to the Town Hall

Tony, The Lord Mayor, Iain and two fans at the press call

Fans in the council chambers enjoying Iain's talk

Iain signing books after the talk

We still have a few copies of his latest book The Hydrogen Sonata

Please sign back onto the blog on Wednesday evening and we will upload a video of Iain in action

Monday 8 October 2012

from Culture to Art


Friday 12th October at 7pm we have a living legend..Iain M Banks..
in our neck of the galaxy

He will indulge all with his 'Culture' and it is now 25 years old...
Hydrogen Sonata just abouts tops the lot, so well written, so astutely funny, so clever and involving

The 'gig' is at Liverpool Town Hall and the Lord Mayor will attend..let's hope she isn't vapourised as she is on the guest list!

Iain will talk/read/take questions and meet/ there!
Just £5 

Ring 01704 830130
get in touch  for an e-ticket 'Banks Ticket'

then we have some art...


In an art setting!

Richard and Judy Book Club 500,000 copy seller... Dorothy Koomson
Is at the illustrious Liverpool Academy of the Arts, Seel Street

Monday 15th October at 7pm we will have a stunning time

Get to grips with her superb Emotional Thriller 'Rose Petal Beach'

for just £5 you also get a free drink/nibbles
and a relaxing time as we ask her questions, she reads and signs books

Go on share this and make it better...

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Be Afraid, VERY (David Gatward is coming to play)

We have made a monster...ScareFEST was a simple idea of Tommy Donbavand's and added to by me 2 years ago, all was good
(sweets in eyeballs aside).
 Then we went a bit bigger and better with some stage props and drop banners
 and all sorts of raffled goodies... is BACK!

Saturday 6th October and it goes
 Beyond the Book (literally)

We start with an exclusive Writers Workshop with two super cool dudes

10.30am at Crosby Civic Hall, Crosby Road North L22 OLQ

Jon Mayhew who has won several awards inc our regional one Sefton Super Reads

 He will be joined by awesome and indeed extraordinaire wordsmith
 with ooze and apparently a penchant for badgers now! 
David Gatward. They will indulge your curiosity and grab your inner imaginings and help you shape it

 (or maybe subtly plant seeds of their own to grow and fester away til Halloween) 
This is a bargain at just £3 book via or ring 01704 830130
You almost certainly can just turn up and bring a pencil and paper (saves me forgetting)

We have tried to get hings arranged to allow younger readers something to enjoy
 without being TOO frightened, although no promises...
Tommy Donbavand will unleash his zombie roadshow that is 'Scream Street: The Game Show'
volunteers will be sacrificed (errmm needed onstage)
and a huge welcome to first lady of scream Ruth Symes
she will have her witches coven gather onstage and will aroma-read from Bella Donna

This Junior Experience  is 1-3.30 and is £5.50/£3.50 or £15 for a set of four

Ahem an exclusive and mega massive news
Joseph Delaney has been busy writing a special play of Spook's Apprentice with his son Stephen
we have some super keen teens putting a workshop production together
It will be published and no doubt tour next year, maybe this is an audition!
His film 'Seventh Son' has finished filming and we hope news beckons when he hits the stage
He will have his latest episode of the ever tenser and scary
 Spook's Tales 'Slither' with him (evening show).
David Gatward can then be unleashed to cause Doom and Destruction and Mayhem and Mirth, he really makes things seem larger than life and is a whirlwind of activity and so out for his baggage of devices and props..we are insured though!
all this runs 4-5.30 and is again £5.50/£3.50 and a set of four for £15

then we have smoke,lasers,lights,electric chair,a guillotine maybe...
Music to chill the soul and wake the dead which will hit the stage and assist..

Seven Authors on One Stage

We have an extract of Spook's Play-Blood Cakes included
Scream Street and Teacher Ate My Brains with Tommy D
My Mayhew's Pandemonium of Gothical Creative Nastiness with Jonny
Philip Movie Maniacs Caveney and his Devlin in Dire Perils
Joseph Delaney's Slithering Spooks Tales and film news
David Doom Rider Dude Gatward again if alive still
Barry Hutchison with train lag and haggis in tow and his seriously Scary Imaginary Fiends

Lastly as he literally lands from a visit to a festival in Warwick..
The Bling Man himself, he with a crayon and a Were-d sense of thrills
Curtis 'Bob/Frankenstein/RaaRaa' Jobling
he will doodle and make us shiver as Bob goes rogue and becomes a Wraithy Were-creature

whew..all for only £7.50/£5.50 or only £20 for a foursome of fun

we hope that a special production of short stories will be floating around for fans to sample
Books will be available to be signed and you can preorder anything by getting in touch via

Saturday 8 September 2012

Stuff and Nonsense

Dear Blog Followers,

Can you start signing up more followers, I am ever thirsty for new eyes and minds to encourage to read more and see the joyous things we do connected with Culture and Books in and around Formby. is ONE Today!

We are near the Iron Men of Crosby and plan a reading of a 'Dark Place to Die' by ed Chatterton there in December when he is over from Oz!

We have a 25 Years of 'THE Culture' on Friday 12th October
 with Iain M Banks, he will sign backlist and Hydrogen Sonata.
We have booked Liverpool Town Hall and will have use of the red leathered Council Chambers and the Lord Mayor in attendance, she is a lovely lady and it will add a regal touch to proceedings.

Tickets are only £5 and we have them on the website just type the words in and download. Or pop by and grab one of us mere real peeps.

We also have a new initiative which is in conjunction with Formby Pool and their lovely 'Cafe in the Park'
it is called 'Dips into Culture' and is a random collection of lectures or interactive talks.

Thursday 13th September we have 'Bonesetters' to Bionic Men' a look at the development of Liverpool's wonderful hospitals and the pioneering work of the Charnley Trust who celebrate 50 years as we type.
Paul Hughes has amassed a huge collection of bizarre medical implements and will display them and even ask us to try them...and will entertain us with his 'Horrible Medical Histories'
Tickets are only £3 and the cafe is open or you can bring a bottle of wine and relax, doors at 7.30pm

Thursday 20th September sees 200 years since a key battle in the Duke of Wellington's Peninsular Campaign as Professor Charles Esdaile tells us all about 'The Battle of Burgos'. Charles is a world expert on the Napoleonic Period and this is akin to a Christmas Lecture. At Only £5 (£3 under 16s) it is unmissable.
Again a cafe open and a bottle brought is allowed.
 Doors 7.30 for an interactive show.

We have more to come...Poetry, Crime and a stunning Dickensian Christmas special with Professor Ken Pye.

Our key note authors are Lesley Pearse 9th November, Andy McNab 5th November and Dorothy Koomson 15th October..get in touch and book to come and meet them.

For Football fans..we have Everton and Wales Legend Neville Southall on Saturday 29th September doing a meet and greet and signing his memoirs at Cafe D'Art 6.30pm. Great bar and we will have some nice nibbles too.

Please circulate this on as we don't always get media exposure in the press, it is in my opinion shameful but they seem to plead the lack of room to fit this in..I personally think more of us need to express our concerns about it and point out that we live and work in Formby and want to make anything happening here seen and easily accessed by the public.

If you want some great reads for all ages drop by and ask for advice, we can post most things for free so use the website and add any delivery details required.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Review of The Outcasts by John Flanagan

We have done superbly well with a series of YA fantasy aimed at younger readers from approx 9 upwards, but in reality read by adults too. John Flanagan is a NZ based fantasy author who started writing to amuse his grandkids and well, it went global. The 'Ranger's apprentice' series of twelve books are a mix between Tolkien and Robin Hood and we sold literally 500 when we opened. Now he as continued the series on for older readers and has a new continuation with Brotherband and the Outcasts, we had loads of kids read the books but one has been brave enough to do a review!

Tomas Porter has penned the it and then read the series

The Outcasts (Brotherband Chronicles) – by John Flanagan
A Review by Thomas Porter
I found ‘The Outcasts’ to be a thrilling read, and has similar qualities to John Flanagan’s ‘Rangers Apprentice’. Although it took me a few chapters to really get stuck into ‘The Outcasts’, the action and tension heightened and I was soon immersed in the story.
The story features Hal, a half Araluen-half Skandian boy and is subsequently considered as an outsider. In Hal’s village, it is customary for a boy to go through brother-band training, once he reaches the age of sixteen.
Brother-band training is intense. The boys are split into teams in which they acquire the skills that will see them become team mates, sailors and warriors.
Hal’s father is killed in a fierce battle which has a profound effect on Hal, compounded when his father’s friend Thorn loses his hand in an accident. These tragedies motivate Hal to become the leader of the Brother-band.
I would strongly recommend this book to all my friends as an exciting and emotional read. I found that I was quickly transfixed by the events and I would promote it as an excellent read.
You can see more at
If you would like to to order copies of any of John's Books goto
It is quite just type Flanagan and John in and a list appears!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Darth Vader went to see the Cool Coast

Just a few weeks back I heard of an event that sounded and looked amazing, a bookshop had all sorts of characters dressed up and the actual legendary actor and now author Dave Prowse attend and had hundreds of 'Star Wars' fans come along. This was right up my street, after all I am the exact age of the biggest 'Star Wars' fan ever, as we went to see it when it first came out and still love it. This is really the point, after 35 odd years it is still the most amazing experience we have ever had at the cinema and beyond. There are conventions and re-showings and as we found out fans in the hundreds of all ages.

I emailed 'Darth/Dave' and he actually rang me the next day!

We seemed to persuade him that Formby (we did drop Liverpool as we are near, into the pitch) was a worthwhile location and that we would have fans and make a special effort to make his trip worth doing.

He did point out that he has just had an op on his knee and couldn't drive so I offered to collect and ferry him and he was ok with this, so we progressed...He also said why do one day when it was a bit of a trip so we decided to do a weekender!

Plan now....go get..hit the hotspot of 'Sith' and 'Force' followers that is Formby, Dave dropped in that he has 'helpers', the awesome warriors/bodyguards that are the 'Stomtroopers' and they have a Garrison near us!

So now things were hotting up along with the weather at last.

I persuaded Vicky (deputy manager extraordinaire) and Holly (dark haired ( you will see) Saturday super server) to enter into the spirit and glam up for the occasion.

There was a minor issue of what to do on the Sunday as we don't usually open...errmmm
Then Patrick from our media helpline said...why not go to the 'Southport Flower Show', they have loads of customers and plenty of space to send the 'Stormtroopers' out to rally the fans, so that was sorted.
 Then he also said, well why not do a little evening event in a real 'Underground bar/restaurant'. He is pals with Eric Clarke the self titled 'Extreme Chef' as he does cook the most unusual and delicious treats to eat for all and includes many Hollywood stars in his previous exploits when over the pond.

So, all we hit the hyperspace the press, send emails, design and print posters (Holly/Vicky), use Facebook and Twitter and do my little spot on BBC Radio Merseyside.
We started to feel like this was a great idea and would be a fun filled weekend.

I drove down to get Dave and sat as he did a superb live interview with Sean Styles and we drove slowly up to Southport. Booked in and went for a nice steak and mussels dinner and chatted about his incredible life and met some lovely staff at Roberto's on the Ocean Plaza.

Saturday we were met by Trooper Ken and went to the Conference room at 'Formby Pool' to meet loads of fans of all ages and Dave was kept busy for three hours!
We popped and grabbed a lovely bite with Cathy in the 'Tea Rooms in Derbyshires' and then after Vicky had adorned the shop, loaded up videos to show and set the 'Star Wars' music rolling we were met by about 100 fans and had a real good time.

Dave and I had a nice Chinese and arranged to meet for the Flower Show on the Sunday, we now had Colin and Grant from the 'Stormtroopers' and Holly back as 'Leia' and joined Julie from Broadhursts at the Book Tent, bar torrential rain we had a superb time and again Dave had hours of fans of all ages meeting him and getting decidedly incredible photos of 'Star Wars' scenes and his autobiography 'Straight From the Force's Mouth' signed, we went to see the 'Iron Men' of Antony Gormley grabbed a quick drink and butty and then got ready for 'The Cellar'.

 We had real fans travel from as far as Rotherham to come and listen to Dave tell all for nearly two hours and enjoyed the most awesome food. Patrick took loads of images and videoed the event which will be up on Friday 24th August on

I would wholeheartedly recommend any bookshop to book Dave for an event, he is a real star and a legend and can draw a crowd. His Stormtroopers are superb professionals and if you get a few staff dressed up you get a real 'wow' for the pictures. If you can sort an evening out I hear Dave has a real eyeopening 'Darth Does' show with unseen images and stories to really shed light on the 'Dark Lord of the Sith'.

I also was treated to a superb homemade meal by his wonderful wife Norma when we hit London and cannot wait to have another visit from the huge star that is Dave Prowse. Ok now we have images a plenty! 

Sunday 12 August 2012

Bodies galore for the Cadaver Games in Formby

Kate Ellis is a very good and very under rated author, she has written 16 superb books featuring the enigmatic and clever 'tec with taste Wesley Peterson. He is also as far as I am aware the first black detective in British Crime Fiction and yet no TV despite taught plots and a nice line in genuinely interesting history/archaeology that makes the plot race along with plenty of twists and turns. 

She also has started being a bit more gritty as time has gone by, her earlier works were great and deserve a major repackaging to bring her look into line with her latest offerings. 'Jackal Man' and 'Flesh Tailor' are particularly good recent works but her latest Wesley Peterson mystery 'The Cadaver Game' really shows how good she is and we hope may soon make her a bigger name and even win her a 'Dagger' maybe.

She takes a twist of Napoleonic man hunting the 'Bloody Hunt' and updates it to an on line gaming experience and soon the bodies pile up...can  DI Wesley and Neil Watson his archaeologist co-cracker of crimes sort the skeletons from the warm ones and solve the case.

Kate also writes about 'Ebory' a reworked York with her darker and more atmospheric series featuring DI Joe Plantagenet (she does like her historical references eh!). She has just issued the 4th in hardback (sorry we sold out )

Why not pop over to for all the news

and catch up with Kate on twitter @kateellisauthor 

We still have a few signed copies of Kate's new book and literally one or two backlist signed by her but they do go get in touch.
We happily post books to UK addresses for free when a paperback so you only pay for the book and we do offer discount online at

We had a great turnout for Kate despite the very hot weather and the Olympics, one of her fans on twitter another crime author @maryearnshaw popped by and shared African tales with Kate and the blogger @puzzledoctor was with us too!

 and @bryonypearce
also appeared with her two little ones
 on the way to the beach, whilst we were selling...

                                  Vicky was printing masks for

Star Wars Fans before the Darth Vader signing next week..she is now Darth Vicky but next week will do her hair and be Princess Leia!

Star Wars comes to Formby

Dave Prowse the legendary actor who immortalised Darth Vader in the original Star Wars films is with us Sat 18th August so come to Formby and meet him and his Storm Troopers and Darth Vicky and Princess Leia and others

He will be at Formby Pool Cafe, Elbow Lane
10am 'til 1pm
Then in store with us at Formby Books, Chapel Lane
Sunday he storms the Southport Flower Show 11-2pm
Lastly a real exclusive treat
An 'Evening with..'
Dave will be at The Cellar, Lord St Boulevards, Southport
The underground bar right by the Tourist Information Office
This is a ticketed adults only event 
Only £8 inc food c/o Eric the extreme chef
Or ring us 01704 830130 to book

If you would like to book a copy of his autobiography to be signed then please get in touch or click to be taken to the link on our trade website
It is a superb hardback packed with stories and images at just £20
\order YOUR Copy

Wednesday 8 August 2012

FAB things in Formby

As we seem to succumb to a TV enhanced Olympic is also about time to plan what we do afterwards...SO.......why not make a special trip to Formby, it is a lovely place a RED Squirrel sanctuary and lovely dunes with seals in the bay and cooling pine woods. And obviously a book haven too.

Saturday 11th August we have one of the countries finest exponents of historical detection when Kate Ellis visits, she will talk to fans and sign copies of 'Cadaver Game' the 17th Wesley Peterson crime novel. He is a superb  character and the first black detective in British Crime Fiction. Kate let's the tension rise and grips the reader like a tourniquet.
So pop to Formby Books 12-1pm and join us having a criminally good time and then go and relax and read!
she also has the 4th installment in her Yorkshire based DI Joe Plantagenet series just out too. If you miss the event get in touch and check if we have any signed copies left.

Saturday 18th August we have a real legend visiting Formby.

Dave Prowse the 6ft 7inch actor who immortalised 'Darth Vader' in the original 'Star Wars' Trilogy. He will have 'Stormtroopers' in attendance and will be signing copies of 'Straight from the Force's Mouth', so bring your 'light sabre' and camera and meet him 10-1 at Formby Pool and then 2-5 in my shop (we are within Derbyshires opposite Costa and next to Iceland)

Then we have a Canadian lady who 'went to bed with a Beatle (and his wife)'
Gail Renard is over to go to the 50th Anniversary Beatles event in Liverpool and is popping to Formby books on Friday 24th august 4-5pm to meet fans and sign her superb account of the infamous 'Bed in for Peace'

May 1969. As a sixteen-year-old, Gail Renard joined John Lennon and Yoko Ono in their week-long bed-in for peace in a hotel in Montreal, Canada. She looked after Yoko’s five-year-old daughter, helped to find tambourines and joined in the first recording of "Give Peace a Chance" with Timothy Leary, the Smothers Brothers and various other celebs. John looked after her – sending her home every night to her mother who had spoken to him on the phone and insisted that there were to be no drugs or sex while her daughter was around. It was John’s faith in Gail's ability which directly lead to her later success as a writer, and he helped her to secure her first paid submission – an interview with him for the Beatles' magazine.

Thursday 2 August 2012

A Dark Place to Die by Ed Chatterton

Well what a weird experience...I once worked with a lovely guy from Southport called Martin and he wrote fast and funny kids books called Bad Dog and was a 'WBD' author and we went to my wife's old school Daleacre in Netherton and had great fun, he also wrote edgy teen thrillers and then upped sticks and emigrated to Oz. We found each other as you do on Facebook and he kept saying he would return and had met my mate Garth Nix and all was going great.

I was given a dark and gruesome looking 'Proof' by Random House/Cornerstone and it was by ed chatteron all lower case and funky looking and then on the author is page it said he was also Martin and had written all those 20 odd kids books and well here we go...

Starting with a cremation alongside my mates @IronMenCrosby we get a real roller coaster read with so much frenetic energy ripping into your mind it is like a 'coke bomb' off a read. As it goes 'Coke' is a big part of the book and the brutality and blase-ness of the lords of Liverpool that dominate the streets and live up the life style. The good guys are DS Frank Keane and his 'uber cool' oppo Em Harris, they are well aware of who might have torched the 101st Iron Man but are somewhat beleaguered. Down Under we meet bohemain Koop and his lady Zoe and her lady Mel and do they have frolics!

Koop it turns out has just retired from the Liverpool MIT and was the DCI of the team here. He now has to fly all the way back from Southport, NSW and starts sniffing around the city as he discovers the identity of the body due to a tattoo. There is loads of back story in this great book and the amount of detail into which we are led to read is superb, you are certainly never bored here.

Enter the ice cool killer Declan North a man with an IRA pedigree and a penchant for masochism and sadism too, he is a real cookie with a definite artistic bent.

In fact the art and culture are woven into this book with references to Hirst and Gormley and more making it feel quite cosmopolitan and yet it really rocks. There is a LOT of gratuitous sex and violence and it really works, this is definitively NOT for the squeamish or anyone not broad minded there is sodomy,rape and threesomes galore.

All the while you sort of get 'jet lagged' as the action cleverly flies from Liverpool to Australia and back and there again really smoothly. You are shocked by the instant brutality and yet it is so believable.

The body count is awesome and the plotting seriously superb and the characters on all fronts are well defined and used, there is twists and a stunning gruesome arty payoff after a coke fuelled drive across Oz to the 'Other Gormley's- Inside Australia', all in all a real breakthrough crime novel that takes travel,art and wisecracking and makes your eyes and mind explode in a daze of death.

 A mega read worthy of a 9/10 and 'ed' or 'Martin' as I know him is meant to be over here in DEC we plan a dark signing with the Iron Men and expect you all to read this book in September and be amazed.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Summer is here

Well at last!

we seem actually to be warmer and mainly dry and somewhat busier!

I have a few good books to recommend..there will be reviews later tonight..
It was my
 46th on Friday 20th July and the actual date of our first year in existence as a 'www' and as a 'Real Independent Bookshop', well that was just a few weeks later..

I popped to see my mates @IronMenCrosby from Twitter and warned them about a few authors who have been and will return and a few new ones due..

We have lots due to happen so go see the Newsletters tab and read all about it

Please encourage anyone you know to view these blogs and even register and comment too

Also more importantly register at for the weekly news

We have a few images for you to view enjoy!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Anne Watts and her Save the Children Lit Lunch

Anne Watts deserves an award

Firstly just for her writing, secondly for her work with 'Save the Children Fund' raising
 and thirdly and most importantly for what she has done..she never set out to be extraordinary, but she IS!

She was a normal local lass born in Liverpool, raised in North Wales and trained as a nurse in Manchester in the 1950s. She had a father who had travelled far and wide as a merchant seaman and made sure she knew her world map like an a-z of life.

She volunteered to 'Nurse Abroad' and with STC she went to Vietnam, Cambodia and The Middle East and was there during all the horrors and futility that ensued.
She also went to the Arctic North of Canada and the Plains of Alice Springs in Oz.

She did so much, helped so many people and selflessly dedicated her life to helping those less fortunate and in dire need of humanity and care.

She is writing her third volume of her jaw-dropping autobiography which will be out next year, by then she should be a household name and deservedly so.

'Always the Children' was arguably the best autobiography of the year in 2010/1 and she followed it up just in May with 'A Nurse Abroad'.

What makes her so special is her urbane humanity and sense of humour and purpose, she should be listened to by politicians and if only they would we could make a lot happen in the NHS and with dealing with 'conflicts and wars'. If you want a signed copy of her books get in touch and we will sort a dedication and send it on..

She was a celebrity speaker at today's 'Save the Children' Fundraising Literary Lunch in Chester held at the salubrious and rather gorgeous Eaton House, deer and all!