
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Review of Stephen Booth by @eileenclayton1


Eileen, my friend found on twitter!Has been reading again and has this to say about Stephen Booth...

He is with us in Formby on Thu 5th July
at the magnificent Formby Pool Cafe from 7.30pm
along with Frances Brody and Martin Edwards..
it is CWA Daggers Night!

tickets are only £7.50 (juniors £2.50) and inc burgers/hot dogs
and there is a bar..

ring us 01704 830130 or pop in or email us
to book!

over to Eileen...

I think she liked this one

Devil's Edge by Stephen Booth

'The Devil's Edge' is a crime thriller, written by Stephen Booth. This is another in the series that features Cooper and Fry his detectives. This book shows slightly less of Diane Fry’s presence and also a shift in power due to Cooper finally being promoted to the same rank, Detective Sergeant. They are looking into a series of break-ins, which culminates in a brutal murder.

The story opens very dramatically with an atmospheric killing of a woman with a bottle of wine in her hand, screaming for her husband, Jake who is only in the living room. The killer is very bold and brutal.

The 'Devil's Edge' from the title is actually a rock face which over looks a private and enclosed 'very typical' English village. It is enclosed due to the Geography of the village but also due the inhabitants of the village. Due to these very domineering cliff edges that surround the village, gives provision for Stephen Booth to write a very atmospheric story whilst using some very descriptive passages. The central part of the story is centred on the inhabitants of the village and their convoluted relationships with each other.

The village is full of wealthy and very private people who all seem to have secrets of their own. The village is reluctant to open up to the Police, even though their village has just had an awful home invasion and brutal murder. Their reticence and reluctance to relinquish their privacy enhances the plot and causes it's share of 'red herrings'.

The one of the biggest strength in this Stephen Booth novel is that sense place and location. His obvious knowledge of the area and its imposing landscape. It was eerie in parts.

There was a rather strange mixture of characters in the book and the one that struck me was DS Cooper's girlfriend Liz the 'SOCO', who does eventually become his fiancĂ©e. This is odd as she seem strangely absent from the traumatic issues that occur to Cooper’s family; this seemed to make no sense. This will hopefully be resolved in further books. His former girlfriend returns and she is now a widow.

A REALLY good read, make sure you buy and enjoy....

I would definitely recommend this book would rate it 8/10

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Debi Gliori does do exceedingly nice picture books

Debi Gliori has visited Formby several times, She first did a mammoth WBD
with Joseph Delaeny and Mark Walden
and then seems to fit us into each new book tour

She does lovely little character sketches in her books when she signs

And always brings a smile with her...

Sunday 24 June 2012

Images of a Criminal Nature...

Crime....see the images and decide if you would commit to join us again
Thursday 5th July we have THREE purveyors of dealing with death and deception

Frances Brody and her sleuth Kate Shackleton delves into 1920s Yorkshire
Martin Edwards makes the Lakes seem somewhat less sleepy and more sinister
And Uber Mystery Meister Stephen Booth makes us all go
His latest hardback Dead and Buried shows just how accomplished he is..VERY!

Tickets are only £7.50 and inc Burgers/Hot dogs as it is just after Independence Day
Kids come in for just £2.50 we recommend 11+ but anyone can come

Here is what went on last time with Kate Ellis and Martin Edwards, Vicky sang her heart out and John did magic up close and personal...

Valentines Day with Joanna Trollope

We received some very good news after Christmas, we had been selected by Alison Barrow a Publicity Director at Transworld Publishing to have a very high profile author visit us and by chance
the date was Feb 14th (Valentines Day)

Sunday Times Number One Bestselling author Joanna Trollope!

We soon had a huge crowd of folks in the shop and Joanna actually jumped up on a chair and read and talked about her latest book 'Soldier's Wife' a thoughtprovoking look at the Afghanistan conflict and it's dramatic effect on families and post traumatic stress disorder. She analyses the situation and humanises it in an extremely vivid way. We all know she is a superb author but this book shows how much she cares about modern life and will be one of her books we all remember a powerful and poignant tale with immense honesty and observations.

Jillian (one of our real regulars) seated with my Deputy Manager
Vicky stood then Joanna,
Me and Deb my long serving senior sales assistant

We get a lot of support from and Patrick takes superb pictures at many of our events go and see his archives and enjoy.
His dad and mum were with us as..
Their surname is also Trollope
and they shared some family talk as they got their specially dedicated book.

Vanessa who owns the cards and Thorntons and Gifts in Derbyshires
is a huge fan and of reading in general
and had her daughter Chloe seated and a friend meet Joanna.

As did many other fans!

I may find the picture of Joanna on the chair
and add it in later so do check back!
Also read back through our blog and see what else we have done
and sign up to receive the new posts
and share and spread the 'word on words' that we aim to continue...

Friday 22 June 2012

Joanne Harris and Monsieur Le Cure

We had a sensational visit from the illustrious Joanne Harris on her tour for 'Peaches for Monsieur Le Cure' the astonishing new book in the 'Chocolat' sequence. She defies description in her ability to write thoroughly different, but always absorbing and clever prose. Her persuasive powers as a storyteller are immeasurable. She weaves thoughts and actions into your head as you read and you sort of taste the situation, she really is a multi-sensory author.

We had just heard

of her stunning success

in selling over 1 million copies

of her seminal work 'Chocolat'


And I felt so proud to think
that we were opened by
John Boyne who was the other
'Million Copy Seller'from the news in the 'Guardian'
and now we had Joanne Harris
coming to sign books.
Quite an achievement in just 8 months I thought.

Cathy who runs her small but perfectly formed 'Tea Rooms' and delights us everyday with her stunning homemade soups, cakes and has the best and cheapest Tea and Coffee in the Village too...said she would treat fans to two of Joanne's recipes from her French cookery books. So everyone coming to buy a book would get a scrummy slice of cake..calories not best discussed!

I am a huge fan of Joanne having read both of her 'Nordic Reworkings' which are worthy of a 'Tolkien' award and should be used in classics. Also her 'Gentlemen and Players' and 'blueeyedboy' have such stupendous twists and are up there with the best purveyors of pure mystery and suspense.

Her Gothic/Renaissance Vampiric novel is awesome and her Ghostly work is comparable to Susan Hill. And yet as a writer of layered social and provincial observation is what she seems to be best loved for, I haven't read all of these but they sell like hot cakes.

I think Joanne has that pure ingredient of talent that shines through in whatever she writes and that makes her someone to trust when it comes to reading something you wouldn't just take to off the shelves.

Her new book which hit Number Two in the 'Sunday Times' chart is an instant classic, you just are immediately drawn back into rural France 8 years after 'Chocolat' and 'Lollipop Shoes', and how things have changed. The characters have grown, aged and developed even before we rekindle our love of them. Joanne also cleverly questions belief, religion and politics without ever becoming purely polemic. As a page turning treat for the eyes and soul.

 I give this book 9/10. A 'Sensamorgorical' read par excellence!

Vianne and her ability to fathom out the nuances of others choices and make things seem calm is as ever a constant theme. The insurgence of the settlers over the bridge is quite cataclysmic in more ways than one. Poor old Msr. Le Cure, now twice the target of misguided justice.

We only had 50 copies as our event was a lunchtime signing between media and a big evening event, so sadly we sold out! We have a few paperbacks on the shelves but I would advise getting in touch asap to make sure you get one.

Please ask others to come and read our 'blog', we want folks to love books and meeting authors in and around Formby so spread the word and join us at one of our many events.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Whoops Apocalypse with MG Harris

Today was the Longest Day or the Summer Solstice and we went out with MG Harris to promote her 5th and maybe final Joshua Files Adventure 'Apocalpyse Moon' and it is all about the Winter Solstice...and the Apocalypse..The END of the foretold in Ancient times by the Mayans...and MG knows a lot about them and has been telling us all about this theory for the last 5 was the deal.

She is a very clever lady and has written a seriously cool and intelligent series of books that although aimed at 9-16 year olds or 'Young Adults' as the hip and trendy call them...Should and Could be read by discerning adults who want accurate research blended with superb action and characters that flow off the page into your head. Dan Brown and MC Scott and others have done their bit and to be honest are mostly read only by adults..MG is read by mega loads of 'Kids' BUT is also read by with a bit of marketing the thing I suggest is for 'Childrens' Publishers...go for the adult market more...some authors and MG is one, could actually 'rewrite' a bit to add a little more spice for the older reader. Having said that there is plenty of action/romance/intrigue in her books and her web presence is superb. Who needs X-Box 'et all' when you can be entertained by her multitude of websites. Just go see or the official and she is on facebook, twitter and I am sure other portals of interaction.

The packaging of her books is awesome, gorgeous sleek PVC slipcovers  that change the look of the book and seem to make them more WOW I want be fair the 17 versions across the globe all have some spectacular imagery and her interactive presentation shows her savvy IT background with added original music and video trailers and well, all in all the most fun you can have with books in 45 minutes in a hot and sultry lecture hall or library.

We started at Merchant Taylors' Boys in Crosby where librarian Liz was last Sunday a column in 'The Observer'! She really loves promoting reading great books and her boys are so lucky to have her as a portal of providing stellar authors. And we get a great lunch.

We literally flew to Wirral Boys Grammar and were met by some very keen fans and that was before the event! They have another superb librarian Julia and her team too! Their lecture hall is excellent but was a bit sultry, the weather was balmy to say the least. MG gave two absorbing talks and the questions were seriously impressive. We sold ALL the books and had to take orders.

We fought the traffic back through the tunnel and Liverpool to get to the shop and meet yet more fans who interviewed MG and that will be up on Facebook via soon.

The clouds were gathering as MG left, it did indeed feel like an atmospheric barometer was rising and a storm was forming...will we still be here after Dec 21st 2012..Well..I do hope so!

Tarzan 'Official Centenary' with Andy Briggs

Tarzan the uber eco warrior is about to be massive again, last year Andy Briggs undertook the rewriting of this iconic legend with the blessing of the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate, he wouldn't have got far without their say anyway!

Tarzan:- Greystoke the Legend was an adrenalin rush of non stop action in the Congo, with all the trademarks we know and added visual and visceral punch. Andy has cut his teeth on Hollywood Scripts, so he knows how to get the story moving and the characters real instantly. He doesn't dumb down as the primary audience are YA, he let's rip with death and destruction and you really don't know who will survive.

Tarzan: The Jungle Warrior is launched on July 5th at the Plaza Cinema in Crosby 10-12noon
It is now 100 years since Tarzan was published and Andy has all sorts of stories and images to make this event superb. The new book takes big game poaching as a feature and whether Tarzan will acknowledge his roots. The action fizzes off the page and you really feel hot and sweaty as you read.

Anyone can come to this free event we just need names and numbers
contact us on 01704 830130 or email

You can order a copy of either book for £5 each
We would have to charge £2 postage if required
Add any names or messages required if ordering
Order by Weds 4th July to ensure your copy

We have 1 copy to give away from the blog, leave a message with contact details and maybe you will win!

Andy was in the area recently and we went to De La Salle School sand Lathom High and has some swinging fun too...

Tuesday 19 June 2012

CWA July 5th In Formby

We have a sensational night booked in Formby on Thursday 5th July

as the CWA Daggers are won in London we have Three superb authors as our guests.

All will happen at Formby Pool Cafe, Doors open at 7.30pm and we have a night of criminally good entertainment.

 Stephen Booth, Martin Edwards and Frances Brody will all read/talk and take questions.
They all have something to offer the discerning fan of 'Murder and Mystery' so book your tickets and come and have fun.

We have a Bar, Cafe and Burgers/Hot Dogs and admission is Just £7.50

We had a similar event not too long ago and Vicky sang some Bond and a friend who is a stage magician amused the kids before we heard about the writing and books.

Enjoy the images and do come along soon to be there this time....